Weight Loss Doctor Blog

The latest weight loss blog on Obesity, Diet, Exercise, and Bariatric Endoscopy Options to help you lose weight and keep it OFF!

Is a Gastric Balloon Right for You?

Is a gastric balloon right for you?

The gastric balloon has become a popular option for many severely overweight or obese individuals. The balloon is inserted into the stomach endoscopically and inflated, causing the feeling of being fuller faster and longer after eating. Suppose you are looking to lose weight but want to avoid surgery (or aren’t a candidate for surgery). In that case, the gastric balloon may be the ideal weight loss option for you, and our Arcadia and Los Angeles, CA based gastroenterologist Dr. Donald Portocarrero can answer any questions you have.

How Does It Work?
Our Arcadia and Los Angeles, CA, gastroenterologist will place the gastric balloon into the stomach using an endoscope, a thin, flexible tube inserted into the mouth and guided down the throat into the stomach during this simple outpatient procedure. The balloon is then inflated, where it will remain in your stomach for up to six months.

During the six months, you’ll create healthier habits around eating and lifestyle while also noticing that the balloon helps you feel fuller more quickly and easily, which means you’ll be consuming fewer calories and small meals. The gastric balloon is great for helping individuals with portion control. The patient is under sedation, so they will not feel a thing, and they can go home right after the procedure.

Who Is a Good Candidate for This Non-surgical Weight Loss Option?
This weight loss solution isn’t right for everyone looking to lose weight. The gastric balloon is individual for individuals who are considered overweight and obese and have a body mass index (BMI) of 28 to 40. Individuals with a BMI less than 30 but whose weight has caused other issues such as high blood pressure or diabetes may also be candidates.

The right candidate will also be someone committed to leading a healthier lifestyle, not just for the next six months but from here on out. After all, the continued commitment to and practice of these healthy lifestyle changes and the gastric balloon can help you lose weight and keep it off permanently.

If you want to find out if you’re an ideal candidate for the gastric balloon, our Arcadia and Los Angeles, CA, gastroenterologist Dr. Portocarrero would be happy to sit down with you to discuss. Call Gastrointestinal & Non-Surgical Weight Loss Solutions at (626) 461-5408 to schedule an evaluation.

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