Weight Loss Doctor Blog

The latest weight loss blog on Obesity, Diet, Exercise, and Bariatric Endoscopy Options to help you lose weight and keep it OFF!

Types of Bariatric Endoscopies

The introduction of bariatric endoscopies increases the number of options available for people who need additional support for losing weight. These procedures are less invasive, reduce downtime, and, in many cases, produce better health outcomes for patients. Dr. Donald Portocarrero of Gastrointestinal & Non-Surgical Weight Loss Solutions in Arcadia, CA, is proud to offer his patients in Arcadia, CA & Los Angeles, CA, bariatric endoscopy options for their weight loss journeys, including endoscopic gastric sleeve, transoral gastric outlet reduction, and gastric balloon procedures.

Endoscopic Gastric Sleeve

Endoscopic gastric sleeve surgery, also known as gastroplasty, is a minimally-invasive procedure that reduces the size of your stomach. This helps you to feel full sooner, so you eat less at each meal. It encourages appropriate portion sizes and several small meals throughout the day. This type of bariatric endoscopy is ideal for Arcadia, CA & Los Angeles, CA, residents who need to lose a significant amount of weight.

Endoscopic Gastric Sleeve Procedure

A small tube is moved down your esophagus to your stomach. Dr. Portocarrero reduces the stomach size with sutures. The procedure takes one to two hours. You will be on a restricted diet for the first 14 days after the procedure.

Transoral Gastric Outlet Reduction

Dr. Portocarrero recommends transoral gastric outlet reduction (TORe) surgery for patients who gain weight after their gastric bypass surgery. The procedure works by holding food in your stomach to help you feel full longer. 

TORe Procedure

The gastric outlet is located between your stomach and the small intestine. Dr. Portocarrero uses an endoscope to reduce the size of the outlet to slow down the movement of food out of your stomach. Recovery takes approximately two weeks, during which you follow a liquid and soft diet.

Gastric Balloon

Gastric balloon surgery is a temporary solution for weight loss. Rather than change the anatomical structure of your stomach, Dr. Portocarrero inserts a balloon into the stomach cavity to reduce the size. Gastric balloons are ideal for patients who are not good candidates for other types of bariatric endoscopies, as well as those who may have underlying conditions that preclude the use of general anesthesia.

Gastric Balloon Procedure

Gastric balloon surgery takes approximately 15 minutes. Dr. Portocarrero uses an endoscope to insert a balloon into your stomach and fill it with saline. No recovery is required. The balloon remains in place for six months, and patients typically lose 20 to 50 pounds with this technique.

Are you interested in bariatric endoscopy procedures in Arcadia, CA & Los Angeles, CA? Call Gastrointestinal & Non-Surgical Weight Loss Solutions today at (626) 461-5408 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Portocarrero at our Arcadia, CA, office.

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